
Claxton Represents: Eric Prine

Eric’s passion for travel and for capturing on film (or digital) all the amazing people and places he sees and meets is what drives him to create captivating imagery: quiet, thought provoking landscapes and environmental portraits as well as an avant garde look at architecture; for himself and his clients.

Eric didn’t know he wanted to be a photographer at a young age. Growing up on the border of Washington and Idaho where the Snake and the Clearwater rivers confluence he planned on being a veterinarian.  He attended Washington State University with that goal in mind, obtaining bachelor of science degrees in both biology and zoology.  It wasn’t until his junior year in college that, in search of an artistic outlet, he took a photography class.  His future was from thereon altered. 
Eric moved Santa Barbara, CA to attend Brooks Institute of Photography.  During his time there, Eric brought together his background in science with his new love of photography, concentrating his photographic education on areas such as landscape, nature, and underwater photography.
After finishing school at Brooks, Eric continued his education by moving to Los Angeles and assisting for a number of years, eventually ending up working for a prominent architectural photographer.  This brought out a previously unrealized love for the subject. 
Feeling the need to escape from the big city grind, Eric moved to Savannah GA and began shooting for Exclusive Resorts.  He soon became the staff photographer for Exclusive Resorts, traveling all over the world photographing resort properties for the next two years.   He has traveled all over Europe, Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, China, and Thailand, and has been to 46/50 states while on numerous road trips across the country.  He loves to drive. 
The big city has called again and Eric now resides in Brooklyn NY, with his three cats and his trusty car.  Only 4 states to go!

 See more of Eric's awesome imagery @ www.ericprine.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Sarah! You are gonna be very good at this. :)